2016年5月21日 星期六

宴後之作 -- A Poem Written for Peter Chu and His Wife




圖/文:Mookoo Liang

註:2016年5月21日參加新人 哲武佳玟 的喜宴,宴會後補作七言絕句,再一次祝賀;此詩屬「平起平收、首句用韻」格式,押韻根據 新版 (十四韻版) 中華新韻:九文 (平)。

An English Note: Above is a piece of Chinese "regulated verse" (or so-called "modern-form poetry") which I wrote for Peter Chu and his wife after I attended their wedding party held today, starting at noon. In the first and second lines, I intentionally used the Chinese names of the newly married husband and wife: 哲武 and 佳玟. You may notice that "佳" is used as "佳人" (beautiful lady) and "哲" as "哲士" (wise man) in the first line, and that in the second line "玟" turns into "文玉" while "武" into "止戈" -- by the phrase "文玉止戈" (which I created myself) I have tried to imply something really good and wonderful, but that is too difficult for me to explain in English. (Oh, dear! English is always my second or foreign language!)
