2017年10月26日 星期四

The Moon Is Over There (夜行 . 觀月)


Walking in the moonlit woods, Jean and I remember the poetic lines in Chinese: 


These words, roughly meaning "when the moon hung behind the willows, young people went out on dates under them," are part of a Chinese poem written by Ouyang Xiu (歐陽修, 1007 - 1072).

Although the poem is about the springtime (i.e. the Lantern Festival) instead of autumn, and though it is about young people instead of old couples, Jean and I love to repeat it (or recite it!) while we are taking a walk in the woods near our house.

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相關文章 (Related Articles):
1)  中秋印象
2)  The Mid-Autumn Moon (明台賞月)
