2018年2月17日 星期六



本頁所「補刊登/補 PO」之照片,悉為 Amy Liang 和 Sophia Liang 所拍攝及分享的 ---- Thank them very much for making these happiest moments stay always in my mind and possibly in my sight!

今年【狗年】大年初二,家庭團聚「歡樂時光」之紀錄!....... I would like to keep the happy memories in my blog, so that I can retrieve them anytime I want to.

相關文章:(1) 年初二:我們在大漢茶語 (A Family Reunion), (2) A Few Pictures: 雞年的祝福, (3) 年初五「卓也小屋」.
