2018年11月12日 星期一

山莊的吟詠 (A Meeting at Ginkgo Hotel)


     ----- 黃燕同  作


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Mookoo's Notes:

Together with Mr. Shengyuan Lin, Ms. Meiyu Chen and a few members of the Lin family of Wufeng, this morning Jean and I went to Mengzong Mountain Villa (孟宗山莊, also referred to as Ginkgo Hotel) to attend a special meeting of the "classical poetry recitation." We were very pleased to meet members of the Mengzong Poetry Club (孟宗詩社) and we were excited to see other visitors (from other places) who also liked Chinese poetry!

As the website of the hotel points out, Ginkgo Hotel is located at the entrance of the Xitou Nature Education Area (溪頭自然教育園區 入口處). The exterior of the hotel is in light green, a color perfectly fused with the green forest over there; and the interior is fully decorated with poetry calligraphy, naturally presenting a peaceful atmosphere for the visitors. -- This description is very true! Now Jean and I have enjoyed this "scenic spot" as much as we like the people we have met.

Ms. Luanfeng Zhuang & Ms. Meiyu Chen

Mr. Qichang Lin (speaking)

Mr. Jinshi Chen

Ms. Meiyu Chen

Mr. Jinshi Chen

Mr. Fuzhou Chen, 
president of Ginkgo Hotel

Mr. Jincai Ding

Mr. Yantong Huang

Ms. Luanfeng Zhuang

Mr. Yigong Lin

Ms. Yueqin Huang
