2020年6月22日 星期一

I See, I Think, I Write


Last Saturday I wrote a few lines in Chinese, entitled "看見 ● 想起" -- recording what I saw and thought when I was hiking in the mountains nearby. Yes, I saw lychees and I thought of grapes! (Was that a little strange to you?)

If fact, besides the lychee trees bearing a lot of beautiful fruit, I also saw areca [betel-nut] palms, longan trees, bamboos, bananas, papayas, roses and wild flowers. Which kind of tree or flower do you like best? ... Enjoy seeing the photos below, and remember to read the words in the last picture -- Those meaningful words are from one of the most important books in the world!

By the way, wherever I go, and if it's possible for me, I'll take some Life Notes (as labeled either "輕描淡寫" or "隻字片語" or "心靈之歌" in my personal blog). Oh, yes, here's the procedure to be followed by me: I See, I Think, I Write.
