2024年4月2日 星期二

The Xiaozhuilu and Shakadang Trails (Part A)


In February, Jean chose not to join us—my two grandsons, my son, his wife, and me—for a hike along the Xiaozhulu and Shakadang trails during the Lunar New Year. However, after seeing the photos from our journey, she became eager to visit both trails, especially since they connect to each other; the end of Xiaozhuilu Trail touches the entrance of Shakadang Trail. I promised her from the bottom of my heart that we would go hiking there together as soon as possible.

Today, her dream came true. Jean and I just returned from a truly wonderful trip to the Xiaozhuilu and Shakadang trails.

Following are the Photos, Part A.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
3)  布洛灣 (Buluowan)     (2023)
