2015年1月7日 星期三

A Song Created by Little Bee (小蜜蜂自創的歌曲)


"Jingbai Zanmei" is a popular form of singing praise to God before or during the Sunday worships here in Taiwan. I don't really know how to translate it into English, though I've once seen such a special word on the Internet -- Sinspiration! (It looks like "sing" plus "inspiration"!)

Now my first grandson, Little Bee, has created a song for "Jingbai Zanmei" -- Sinspiration! Click and watch the following video, if you would like to relax for a couple of seconds (or minutes).

小蜜蜂 (Little Bee) 今天早上發出優美的歌聲,驚動了在樓上工作的爸爸 (Little Bee's Papa),於是乎,爸爸衝下樓,來到客廳,把那「嗡嗡嗡」表演的最末一段錄下來,分享給爸爸的老爸 (Little Bee's Grandpa) ---- 就是我!我嘛,要將這小孫子自創的「敬拜讚美」分享給更多的好朋友!
