2015年1月6日 星期二

又是啟航時刻 -- To Make a Worthwhile Journey in 2015


It's high time that I set off for a new and enjoyable journey!

But where should I go in 2015? Shall I keep going on a journey that I had started last year? Who has been the real Captain that controls the boat of my life? -- Possible for me to be my own master? ... If not, am I willing to be a good servant instead?

I believe that, in a sense, I have already become a servant rather than a master. Fortunately, I do have a powerful and merciful Master, my Master being the Lord: the Good Shepherd, who will lead me to green pastures and the flesh water! Or he is the Perfect Captain, who controls the boat of my life!

Well, I don't have to worry too much; the Lord being with me, what will I be afraid of? No, I won't be frightened any more in this new year, even if there are some "big challenges" ahead of me on the way!

= = =

A couple of days ago, my son assembled a missile frigate (or destroyer) for his 4-year-old son, Little Bee. I was pleased to see it "amazingly made," and I helped to place it into the "water" that I created with a wool blanket. (See the first two pictures and the final one, below.)
