2017年2月1日 星期三

A Few Pictures: 雞年的祝福


Here are a few pictures that I would like to keep in my personal blog.

The first one was taken in front of my house; the next five were taken at Da Han Cha Yu (大漢茶語), a restaurant in Caotun, where my mother and all her children and some of her grandchildren and relations met for a special meal on the second day of the first lunar month (第 2 至 6 張照片:農曆大年初二團聚餐會).

And the final two pictures were taken at Hua Xian Niao Chao (花現鳥巢), a restaurant in Dajia, where my mother-in-law and all her children and most of her grandchildren and some relatives met for dinner today -- the fifth day of the first month according to the Chinese lunar calendar (最後兩張照片:大年初五團聚餐會).

Oh, Lord God Almighty! May you bless all of us -- including all who are seen in these pictures and those who are reading this article, so that everybody will be healthy, wealthy, and very happy in this Year of the Rooster! (雞年的祝福:良機「更」多 -------- 更健康、更富足、更喜樂!)
