2022年9月1日 星期四

花舞 -- Dancing in the Wind




景教進入中國時意譯為「涼風、淨風、淨風王」或音譯為「得囉嵇」(rūḥā ḏə-quḏšā);太平天國拜上帝會譯為「聖神爺之風」;基督新教最先譯為「聖風」或「神之神風」,現在普遍譯為「聖靈」;天主教起初是以拉丁文音譯為「斯彼利多三多」(Spirito Santo),自從艾儒略神父之後,才開始普遍採用「聖神」稱呼

聯想二:以下《約翰福音》第三章 5-8 節,摘錄自 GNT 英文譯本:

"I am telling you the truth," replied Jesus, "that no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. A person is born physically of human parents, but is born spiritually of the Spirit. Do not be surprised because I tell you that you must all be born again. The wind blows wherever it wishes; you hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going. It is like that with everyone who is born of the Spirit." (John 3:5-8, Good News Translation)

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