2023年1月8日 星期日

Bridal Veil -- 垂絲茉莉又開花


The Bridal Veil (垂茉莉) is blooming again in my front yard.

But I've been puzzled by its various Chinese names and English names recently. Some say 垂茉莉 is also called 垂枝茉莉 (垂絲茉莉) or 白玉蝴蝶 (白玉蝶) or 玉蝶花 (玉蝶藤); but others insist that 垂茉莉 is scientifically different from 白玉蝶, even though they look similar.

Well, I'm not a botanist. I think it's natural that two different things can have the same name and that one particular thing can have two or more names. When it comes to the "bridal veil" in my front yard, I love it for its beauty more than its name! (說到我家前院的 "垂茉莉",我愛它的美勝過它的名字!)

= = =
相關文章 (See also): 院子裡的垂茉莉     (2022)
