2023年5月12日 星期五

Taiwan Episcopal Church Diocesan Convention


台灣聖公會第 63 屆教區年議會

日期:2023 年 5 月 11~12 日(週四、週五)
(1) 開幕禮拜----花蓮聖路加堂
(2) 開會及住宿----花蓮美侖大飯店

Mookoo's Personal Notes:

Thanks be to God! The 63rd convention of Taiwan Episcopal Church came to a successful conclusion. This year the diocesan convention took place in Hualien. The opening service was held yesterday morning at St. Luke's Church, of which the basement had just been refurbished to provide more space for clergy and lay representatives from all other churches in the diocese to come together for such an important event.

At the end of the opening service certificates were officially given to three seminarians graduating this year from our diocesan Trinity School for Christian Ministry (TSCM / 三一神學院): Ms. Christina Hai 海小燕 and Mr. Alex Tso 左心泰, who have both done theological training elsewhere, each received a Diploma in Practical Theology. And Mr. Shawn Wang 王彥軒 received his Master of Divinity, the first person to ever graduate with a TSCM MDiv degree. Congratulations to TSCM and all three graduates!

After the opening service we took a group photo and had lunch together. And then, by taking two tourist buses, we moved to the Parkview Hotel (美侖大飯店) and started our first meeting, second meeting, third meeting, fourth meeting, fifth meeting, and sixth meeting, one after the other until the whole convention was over at noon today.

By the way, when having lunch at Parkview Hotel, I was happy and excited to be at the same table with Mr. Dianrui Liu 劉典瑞, Rev. Cannon Bruce Woodcock (the Asia Pacific Partnership Officer for The Episcopal Church), Rev. Keith Lee 李鎮丞牧師, and church members from St. Mark's in Pingdong -- Ms. Huizhen Yuan 袁慧貞, Ms. Yuejiao Tu 涂月嬌, and Ms. Xiaolan Lao 勞小蘭 (wife of Rev. Minglong Wu 吳明龍牧師). Besides, almost all participants of the convention stayed overnight at Parkview Hotel, but my son (Rev. Antony Liang), his wife (Anita), and me (and also Mr. Shawn Wang!) -- we came back to St. Luke's for the night. 

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  Happy Birthday 2019     (2019)

左一: Mr. Shawn Wang  /  右一: Rev. Antony Liang
左二: Rev. Joseph Ho  /  右二: Mr. Robert Kinney
