In the afternoon, we went hiking on the Zuocang Trail (or spelled as Tso Tsang Trail) in Xiulin, Hualien County (花蓮縣秀水鄉). A light drizzle was falling, so we turned back after walking about 1,300 meters. Still, we were lucky to come across a group of Formosan rock macaques (台灣獼猴) along the way (see photo).
Located on the western outskirts of Hualien City, the Zuocang Trail was originally a mining road for Taiwan Cement. It was later renovated by the Hualien Forest District Office and transformed into the trail we see today. The full length of the trail is 3,950 meters, with an elevation ranging from 70 to 495 meters. A round trip takes approximately three to four hours.
The trail is well-maintained and easy to walk. The first section consists of an industrial road and a dirt-gravel path, passing by remnants of old mining sites, trail maps, milestone markers, and several scenic viewpoints. As the trail winds up the mountainside, it is surrounded by lush vegetation and vibrant greenery. The views are stunning, and at the trail’s highest point, hikers can take in a sweeping panorama of Hualien City and the vast Pacific Ocean, with Shapodang Mountain rising majestically in the distance. It’s a perfect spot to watch the sunrise or enjoy the night scenery.
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~~~ 2007年「撒奇萊雅族」成為台灣第13個原住民族後,國福社區開始爭取資源,積極投入重新整治佳山溪河道、入口意象、觀光導覽指引等,也爭取「撒固兒步道」的登山入口設置,於2012年起開放。原先「撒固兒步道」為「佐倉步道」瀑布支線,後經由於國福社區發展協會發起正名,希望能將佐倉步道與瀑布之名改名「撒固兒」,因此花蓮市公所邀請多名專家學者、地方耆老、民意代表及地方居民,會同花蓮縣政府原民處及林務局,辦理「佐倉步道與佐倉瀑布定名座談會」,最後佐倉步道瀑布支線及佐倉瀑布正名為「撒固兒」,佐倉步道主線則維持原稱。
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相關文章 (See also):
1) 美崙山 "嶺線步道" (2023)
2) 楓林步道、白雲步道 (2022)
3) 砂卡礑步道 (Shakadang Trail) (2024)