We cherish our friendship. We, both men and women, care about and support one another.
The men used to be classmates. They once studied together in a class called "Camel Class," so they have called themselves the Camel Brothers, and their life partners, the Camel Sisters.
Now, some Brothers and Sisters who live in Central Taiwan have just met at "Nu Pasta" (in Taichung City) for lunch, where I saw . . .
⸺ a robot server for the first time! That was so much fun, wasn't it?
= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1) A Camel Brother Remembered (2024)
2) Photos (Pt. B): 好友同行 in Lugu (2024)
3) Camel Class Reunion 2025 (駱駝同學會) (2025)