At noon, while waiting to take out the trash, I stood at an alley entrance on Minsheng Road, along with a few neighbors, for the district garbage truck to arrive. Suddenly, I noticed two small gardens, one on each side of the entrance—lush with greenery and bursting with vibrant flowers. Under the bright sunlight, they looked especially stunning. I soon realized that these little oases belong to Principal Mike Hsiao, who has a passion for planting flowers. What a delightful and enviable sight, right in front of his home!
中午,準備倒垃圾的時候,我在民生路上某個巷口,跟幾位鄰居一樣,等待區公所的垃圾車來。突然間,我發現巷口左右兩側,各有一個小小花圃,綠葉扶疏,花團錦簇,在亮麗的陽光下,顯得格外吸睛。原來,那是蕭校長(國倉)家門口的 "綺麗美景"⸺令人稱羨不已!
= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1) 傍晚群鵝戲水 (2022)
2) 公園裡的 "張氏紫葳" (2022)
3) 上山、下山 (Taking a Walk) ~ part one (2023)