My wife and I suddenly came down with norovirus last weekend. As a result, we canceled all our planned activities, including my violin class on 2/24, a dinner party with Ben's family and some friends on 2/26, the Dajia Junior High School Alumni Association's Chairperson Handover Ceremony on 2/27, and our planned trip to Hualien on 2/28.
We canceled everything because we were told that we could still be contagious with norovirus even after feeling better for three days. Of course, we didn’t want to risk spreading the virus to our family, friends, or anyone we might come into contact with.
I had reached out to my former colleague Mingzhong Chen (陳明終), a retired professor, who was also planning to attend the Handover Ceremony on February 27. He was the one who told me that my wife's brother, Anzhen (黃安鎮), was scheduled to be inaugurated as the new chairperson of their Alumni Association. What a shame! I hadn’t seen Mingzhong in decades, and because of my illness, I had to miss the chance to reunite with him yesterday.
= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1) 《大甲詩社的探討》 (2025)
2) 會長交接典禮~照片 (上輯) (2021)
3) 會長交接典禮~照片 (下輯) (2021)