2011年7月28日 星期四

Little Bee Is Curious About the Mouth


Little Bee is now nine months and ten days old. He has got two little teeth, which are very interesting to us. And he himself is very interested in sitting HIGH on the shoulders of his father. (See the previous page for the relevant photos.) Besides, it is obvious that he is very interested in . . . my mouth!

With my mouth, I sing "freely and creatively" to him; I speak to him not only "bilingually" but sometimes in my third or fourth languges -- by which I mean Taiwanese and Hakka dialects (in addition to Mandarin and English). And yet Little Bee doesn't seem so interested in what I say, than what I sing to him. To my surprise, he was so very interested in my mouth when I did "vocal imitations" to him this evening. He really wanted to study the mouth with which I produced lots of strange sounds!
