2012年2月1日 星期三

思想家的影子? (The Thinker's Shadow?)


是思想家的影子嗎?---究竟是藝術的剪影?還是數學〔如線性代數〕的投影?抑或是佛洛依德所謂的一種心理的投射?. . . . 總之,這是無意間所拍下的一張照片,拍攝於草屯「現代眼科」的走廊,時間大約是兩個半月前,那時母親正在接受白內障的手術!

Is that the thinker's shadow? -- Is it an artistic profile (or silhouette)? Or is it a mathematical projection, in linear algebra? Or is it the psychological projection developed by Sigmund Freud? . . . Anyway, it is a photo that I took at Modern Eye Clinic, in Caotun, about two and a half months ago while my mother was undergoing the cataract surgery.
