2014年7月5日 星期六

Regarding Grapes (葡萄傳說)


Grapes are my wife's favorite fruit. She says that when she was small, there were grapevines covering the edge of her front yard. She and her family would enjoy the sweet and a little sour fruit of the plants during the season when grapes ripened. Now, it's been so many years since those grapevines as well as their old house were destroyed in a terrible flood. Yet it is quite likely that my wife would think of those "good old days" every time she has grapes to eat!

I don't think I liked grapes as much as my wife did. But my interest in grapes is getting much stronger these years, after I learned more about my wife's childhood -- She would recall those "good old days" when she eats grapes!

And this morning four cartons of grapes were sent to our house. They had been ordered by our daughter-in-law Anita, who learned that my wife and I have a special interest in grapes. Well, as Anita mentioned, the grapes she has bought are of good quality: "They are safe to eat, because they're from an 'organic' vineyard."

Following are two jokes and one puzzle regarding "grapes" --

有一天,小英到菜市場買菜,她看見葡萄,就問賣葡萄的老闆娘,說:「這是進口的嗎?」 老闆娘說:「當然囉!難不成是進鼻子的嗎?」
     --- Adapted from 小番薯笑話 or from 幽默王

問一好友他的相簿密碼是甚麼,他給了我一串 17 個字母的英文 "cptbtptpbcptdtptp"。
     --- Adapted from http://www.haha365.com/gjc/72305.htm

接下來,來個有關葡萄的 腦筋急轉彎
     --- Taken from 痞客邦PIXNET (爆笑腦筋急轉彎大集合)


葡萄的變化 (一):「魚眼效果」

葡萄的變化 (二):「圓柱體效果」

葡萄的變化 (三):「漩渦效果」

葡萄的變化 (四):「反相/負片」

有關葡萄的 腦筋急轉彎
