2024年3月31日 星期日

Easter Day, 2024


We are currently in Hualien celebrating Easter Day, one of the most important holidays for Christians.

This year, St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Hualien held an outdoor service on Easter Day. We gathered at Nanbin Park (南濱公園, officially known as 太平洋公園南濱段) at 10:00 am, and the Holy Eucharist, officiated by the celebrant Rev. Antony Liang, began around 10:30 am. Following the service, there was a fun event called "Hunting for Easter Eggs," which particularly delighted children and young people.

May the Lord abundantly bless all of you and us from this day onward...

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  Potluck Lunch plus an Egg Hunt     (2023)
