2015年9月3日 星期四

Grandson Playing on/in the Playground


Little Bee is going to school again soon. He has stayed at home for more than a week, as the doctors suggested.

When he was diagnosed as having enterovirus, a highly contagious (or infectious) disease called "changbingdu" in Mandarin, Jean and I (as well as his parents) were rather nervous. We thought that we had to take immediate measures to keep him from other little kids, especially his one-year-old brother, Little Shine. So Anita went back to her parents with Little Shine, And Jean and I took care of Little Bee in our place, Wufeng. We did expect that there would be a one-week or longer Fighting against this troublesome situation!

But, thanks to the Lord, the real situation was even better than expected. Now Little Bee has overcome the problem of enterovirus [ˌɛntəroˈvaɪrəs]. He'll be able to go to school again tomorrow. And Jean and I are spending time with him in a children's park located at Zhongxing New Village, to happily end this unpleasant "sick leave."
