2016年4月30日 星期六

A Charity Bazaar -- 我們與《賽德克巴萊》電影主角相遇


A Charity Bazaar at St. James' Church 
---- 聖雅各「給夢想一雙翅膀」愛心園遊會

Theme: Let the Dreams Fly!
Time: Saturday, April 30, 2016 (9:00 a.m. - )
Location: St. James' Preschool (at 23, Wuquan W. Road, Sec. 1, Taichung City, Taiwan)

In recent years St. James' has had annual Charity Bazaars like this, either on the last Saturday of April or the first Saturday of May. And I (as well as my family) have enjoyed this kind of activity very much. I was especially excited this morning at seeing Pastor Ching-Tai Lin (林慶台牧師 / 泰雅語名字: Nolay Piho), who had acted as Mona Rudao (莫那•魯道) in the well-known movie Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale (賽德克•巴萊). Ah, it was a great pleasure for me to stand side by side with him, the protagonist in Seediq Bale -- Well, in the Seediq language (賽德克語), seediq (pronounced [seˈedæq]) means "man/men," bale means "real," and therefore seediq bale means "real man/men" (Seediq bale = 真正的人 = 真正的賽德克人).

For the similar events that St. James' had previously conducted, you may click and see: (1) 2015-0502A 愛是從神而來 part one, (2) 2015-0502B 愛是從神而來 part two, (3) 2013-0504 看見陽光看見愛, and so on.
