2019年8月13日 星期二

花蓮行: Day Two


A Trip to Hualien: Day Two
(Also see Day One and Day Three.)

Yesterday we visited St. Luke's Episcopal Church, in Hualien City. Rev. Joseph Jui-En Ho and his wife Angel (and their daughter Tian Ai) warmly welcomed us; they led us to Hualien Mambo Beach (曼波海灘) and then to a nice restaurant (兩津食堂) for lunch. In the afternoon we went and checked into "Gihak Homestay" (吉哈克莊園民宿) before visiting the "hometown of Taiwan clams" -- 立川漁場 (Li Chuan Fishing Place), where we enjoyed seeing the fascinating scenery and touching cool water ... on such a hot summer day! (See Day One for photos.)

Now the second day of our trip has just come to an end (See photos below). It's a day especially set aside for our little boys James and John. We spent almost the whole day inside the Farglory Ocean Park (遠雄海洋公園). In this water theme park, all six of us enjoyed watching (1) the manatee-feeding show, (2) the dolphin show, and (3) the sea-lion performances; we ate Turkish mastic ice-cream, we took the cable car (called "Gondola") up and down the hill, and we watched an outdoor dancing performance. In addition, James and John rode on the Merry-Go-Round and in some other types of amusement equipment. Oh, thanks to the Lord, it's really an exciting day for the two boys and also for us who are their parents and grandparents!
