2021年9月20日 星期一

Wufeng Lin Family Mansion


中秋節前一天,遊賞霧峰林家宅園 . . . 

It is the day before the Mid-Autumn Festival -- "Mooncake Festival" -- that we had an enjoyable (and memorable) visit to the Wufeng Lin Family Mansion.

Our good brothers and sisters at St. James' (including Dr. Annie Y. Tsai 蔡亞平 and her friend Jessica Wang 王友箴) came to us and, as Jean had suggested, we went together to the national historic site near our house. Another good friend of ours, Mr. Fuli Lin 林福立, acted as a tour guide telling us lots of stories -- which he would rather called "history" -- of the Lin family and about this remarkable architectural complex (See the first photo below).

We were especially impressed by the splendid and magnificent buildings such as 宮保第 (The Hall of Gongbaodi) and 大花廳 (Great Follower Hall)!

Later in the afternoon we walked up 望月峰 (Wangyue Feng, the Moon-Viewing Peak) and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. Jean and I had planned to entertain our brothers and sisters with some more Nice Chat during the simple pizza-and-bamboo-soup supper after the sunset; however, they said they had to leave right then. -- "Goodbye! Goodbye . . . until next meeting! . . ." We thanked each other for having spent such a good afternoon together, and we also thanked the Lord.

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  春遊 ~ 霧峰林家花園     (2021)
3)  "走春" ~ 到霧峰林家     (2021)
