2021年12月23日 星期四

A Snow-like Plant (白雪木)


"What kind of tree is that?" I asked.

"It's called 白雪木 (white snow tree)," Jean replied.

Yesterday I saw this plant blooming like snow across the ditch. I liked its snow-white flowers very much, so I took a few pictures of it, and I want to save the pictures on my blog for future reference.

I was curious about the eye-catching plant when walking with Jean to the Democracy Lawn (民主草坪) in Wufeng in the afternoon. Then, after returning home, I tried to check it with my encyclopedia, but I failed to find a detailed and comprehensive description of it.

Nevertheless, from an article on the Internet (written in Chinese) I learned that this plant has several interesting names: In English it may be called Snowflake, or Little Christmas Flower, or White Small Leaf Poinsettia, or Snow Bush, or White-laced Euphorbia, or White Christmas Bush. And in Chinese it may also be called 雪花木, 聖誕初雪, 雪苞木, 聖誕雪花, 大戟合歡, 白雪公主, 白雪樹, etc. Well, I don't really know what most people call it in Chinese or English, but I've just learned that its scientific name (學名) is Euphorbia leucocephala. (Do you want to double-check with your encyclopedia?)

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  Merry Christmas, 2011     (2011)
