2022年7月21日 星期四

Praying, Waiting, and Best Wishes


💜💛 為 Elisa 美夢成真 💙💗

I.  Sunday, July 17 -- Praying for . . .

In order to be certified as a school teacher, Elisa is now taking the second part of the Teacher Selection Exam (TSE / 教師甄試). A few days ago she passed the first part of it -- the written tests of Chinese, mathematics, and education; and now she's taking the Oral Test and the Trial Teaching. Like her family, Jean and I are earnestly praying for her, hoping she'll get high scores today so that her dream will come true soon. 

II. Monday, July 18 -- Waiting anxiously for . . .

The results will be announced in less than one hour. We're in our own home in Wufeng, waiting anxiously for the news, which can be good or bad. Oh, dear Lord, please don't leave us alone, but always be our great leader, our powerful helper, our wonderful comforter!

Can anyone truly calm us down at such a crucial moment except the Lord? . . . If things should go beyond our expectation, can we find "good old sayings" that really encourage and comfort ourselves? . . . How should we prepare to face all sorts of challenges -- including the possible "bad news" that we will be reluctant to accept but have to?

III. Monday, July 18 (continued) -- Thanks for . . .

Hooray! . . . Alleluia! Thanks to the Lord. -- Jean and I were deeply moved when we received the good news that Elisa completely passed the Teacher Selection Exam (TSE) and will be certified as a school teacher. How happy and grateful we are that God has answered our prayers!

IV. Thursday, July 21 -- Best wishes for . . .

And we'd like to say to Elisa, "Congratulations! Your dream has come true and we're so proud of you!" Now that Elisa has been appointed to serve at Dongxing Elementary School, in Xinshe District, Taichung, we sincerely wish her a healthy and happy new life in the future. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. 

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