2023年10月8日 星期日



As Christians, we pray for one another, and sometimes we even extend our prayers to include animals and birds. We firmly believe in the power of prayer for all things around us, particularly living creatures, as they are divine creations of the Lord God!

Today we paid tribute to the legacy of Francis of Assisi* (亞西西的方濟各, 又譯作聖法蘭西斯). Following the conclusion of the Sunday service, Rev. Antony Liang, the vicar of St. Luke's Church in Hualien, offered a special prayer for several pet dogs that their owners had brought to the church.

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*A Note: The Anglican church retained the Catholic tradition of blessing animals on or near Francis' feast day of October 4th, and more recently Lutheran and other Protestant churches have adopted the practice. (英國聖公會保留了在 10/4 當天或靠近 10/4 的日子祝福動物的天主教傳統,最近信義會和其他新教教會也採用了這種做法。)

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  Puppy Love     (2010; originally, 2003)
