2014年1月3日 星期五

柳家梅園 (The Liu Family's Orchard of Plums)



The above proverb means "No pain, no gain." A literal translation from Chinese could be: "Without suffering through the extremely cold winter, how can plum trees produce their best fragrant blossom?

Jean and I want to improve ourselves both physically and spiritually. So we have now come to Liu Jia Mei Yuan, the plum orchard owned by the Liu family, located in Xinyi, Nantou County. (柳家梅園位於南投縣信義鄉牛稠坑。) You see, mei, a particular kind of plum tree called 梅 in Chinese, is a symbol of courage and steadfastness for us. And meihua is our "national flower." I think we can learn something significant from this kind of plum tree, mei (梅).
