2019年6月20日 星期四

Chatting and Eating ...


On Monday Jean and I took our grandson Little Shine to the Cafe* (next to Yi Lu Restaurant, 議蘆餐廳) in Taiwan Provincial Council Memorial Park (台灣省議會紀念園區) for lunch (after we went to the Camel violin class led by the well-known violinist Mr. Bi-Le Wang).

We had a wonderful time chatting and eating in there (See photos).

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Note: café 不是單純的咖啡店, café 除了賣 coffee (咖啡), beverage (飲料). 還有 light meal (輕食), 如: salad (沙拉). sandwich (三明治) 和 baked goods (烘培食品), 比較屬於簡餐性質. 也適合人們悠閒的坐著聊天用餐的地方。
