2023年8月31日 星期四



I prepared for myself a book of simplified notation (which I called "簡譜版~練習曲" jiănpŭbăn liànxíqŭ), hoping that the numbered musical notation will make it easier for me to practice my violin lessons.

My classmates and I will meet again next Monday (9/4) for our violin course. I think I'll have to work harder from this moment on...


我這 "視譜能力" 相對貧弱的學生,嘗試以 "簡譜" 取代正規 "五線譜",希望減低練琴的難度,到頭來,卻也發現:簡譜也不簡單啊!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  《外行聆賞經驗》     (2023)
2)  聖路加堂 聖誕音樂會     (2022)
