2023年8月8日 星期二

Happy Father's Day!


May all of you who are fathers have a happy day today! (祝天下所有的父親 父親節 快樂!)

Our Father's Day is on August 8th -- the eighth day of the eighth month, which sounds like 八八 (bā bā) in Chinese, so we made this day our "爸爸節" (bàba jié), that is, Papa's Day.

Our daughter-in-law, Anita, suggested we celebrate this special day together this year. Jean and I were happy about that, and we invited Anita's parents to come to Wufeng to have a "joint celebration." So the seven of us, including James and John, went to "糧" (pronounced "liáng," meaning "grain" or "food") for lunch...

= = =
相關文章 (See also):父親節彩虹     (2022)
