2023年12月21日 星期四

友堂來 ● 報佳音


天主教北濱堂 聖公會聖路加堂 
💜💗💚 報佳音 ~ 💙💛💖

是一個奇妙的冬夜,天主教[花蓮]北濱堂的朋友,頂著凜冽寒流,來到聖公會聖路加堂報佳音:大夥兒一起唱詩歌,甚至載歌載舞,然後祈禱、祝福,而且互贈 "教會年曆" 當作聖誕節禮物。

感謝主!讓我們在追求真理(信仰)的道路上,能保握機會,彼此勉勵,攜手向前。這是一種團契 (fellowship),也就是所謂的共融 (fellowship or communion) 啊!

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參考資料:(Notes taken from the English Wikipedia)

Koinonia (/ˌkɔɪnˈnə/is a transliterated form of the Greek word "κοινωνία", which refers to concepts such as fellowship, joint participation, partnership, the share which one has in anything, a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution. In the Politics of Aristotle it is used to mean a community of any size from a single family to a polis. As a polis, it is the Greek for republic or commonwealth. In later Christianity it identifies the idealized state of fellowship and unity that should exist within the Christian church, the Body of Christ.

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  聖路加堂 聖誕音樂會     (2022)
