2025年3月12日 星期三

Lanterns ~ 敲響金鐘點亮霧峰


Zuijin ji nian, wo jia fujin de A-Zhao-Wu Gongyuan (Ataabu Park / 阿罩霧公園) zong hui budingqi de baishe yixie daxingde huadeng, gong jumin ji youke guanshang.

Jinnian baifang de huadeng, qi zhuti baohan Wufeng de daibiao niao⸺maotouying (owls), yiji bendi de remen jingdian "Maotouying Jiaotang" (貓頭鷹教堂). Nin juede tupian zhong de huadeng zaoxing (see photos) haokan ma?

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  花與花燈     (2022)
2)  給它/牠/他 評分     (2022)
3)  花蓮燈會 at 東大門     (2025)
4)  Lanterns at Ataabu, 2020     (2020)

2025年3月9日 星期日

Catching Up After Ten Years


I was delighted to reunite with Prof. Robin Huang (黃源和教授) this morning. He mentioned that it had been more than ten years since we last saw each other. Oh, my goodness—how could time have flown by so quickly? In just the blink of an eye, we had both grown more than a decade older!

It felt almost like a dream—one that stretched on longer than I could have imagined. And yet, when I "woke up" from it, I could hardly grasp just how much time had truly passed. This morning, Robin returned to St. James' Church, bringing with him many stories to share. Likewise, I eagerly shared my own experiences with him.

On this First Sunday in Lent, we cherished the chance to catch up in person, chatting freely over coffee after the service. I truly hope we’ll have many more wonderful conversations like this in the future. May the Lord bless him and his family abundantly, and may our friendship continue to grow with grace in the days to come. Amen.

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  Children's Sermon     (2023)
2)  A Sermon     (2013)

2025年3月8日 星期六

Dancing with the Breeze


In my previous post, I shared eight pairs of photos taken before and after several days of spring rain. Here are more pictures of the same mountainside, where fresh greenery now blankets the rolling slopes.

Have you noticed the newly sprouted grass, speckled with tiny greenish-yellow flowers? From a distance, I could see hundreds—perhaps thousands—of white specks fluttering above the blossoms. However, my phone camera was too far away to capture clear images of them.

From what I could tell, they were butterflies—hundreds, maybe even thousands—dancing in the air. They moved so gracefully, drifting and swirling as if carried by an invisible breeze. For a moment, it felt as if the entire hillside had come alive, shimmering under the soft light of spring.

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相關文章 (See also):
2)  Transformation (轉化)     (2023)
3)  Wildfire Again?     (2021)

Spring Rain Grows New Green (春雨潤新綠)


Below, you’ll find eight pairs of pictures. In each pair, the first picture was taken about a month before the second. Can you spot the difference?

Thanks to the spring rain, new greenery has emerged—the fresh grass is now sprouting here and there, as you can see.

For me, and for many others, these beautiful sights symbolize new hope, abundant grace, and the true love of the Lord God. For others, they may simply be gifts from what is often called Mother Nature.

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  Are They Dancing There?     (2025)

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2025年3月6日 星期四

A Meaningful Wait


This afternoon, I spent several hours at the Toyota Auto Service Center in Dali, where my RAV4 was undergoing routine maintenance. While waiting in the guest reception room, I took the opportunity to finish a blog post I had started writing last night—on March 5th.

In my post, I reflected on March 5, 2025, a date that held five different meanings for me. It was Boy Scouts' Day in Taiwan, Jingzhe (the third solar term in the lunar calendar), and Ash Wednesday. Additionally, it was both "Discover What Your Name Means Day" and "Multiple Personality Day." What a remarkably meaningful day!

Reflecting on these different meanings made the long wait at the service center much more bearable. I also found myself reminiscing about past visits to auto service centers, car washes, and repair shops. (See the See Also section below.)

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  A Day of Many Meanings!     (2025)
2)  平安喜樂     (2021)
3)  New Scratches!     (2024)