2010年9月20日 星期一

Educational Trip -- 國際教育旅行 (日本 01):共 5 组

A masterpiece of mine: "Ideality vs. Reality"

背景為日本第一高峰---富士山 (ふじさん, Fuji San),海拔 3,776 公尺,山頂終年積雪。北麓五個堰塞湖(富士五湖:山中、河口、西、精進、本棲),映照著皚皚白雪,湖光山色,風景幽美,是日本的遊覽勝地。在日本人的心目中,富士山有其獨特的文化和宗教象徵;許多日本的宗教教派將富士山視為聖地。此外,自古以來,日本人不斷藉由藝術和文學推崇富士山,因此富士山經常是文學和藝術作品的主題或背景。

Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776 m (12,388 ft). In English, it is also known by the native Japanese Fujiyama and Fuji-san. The mountain is surrounded by five lakes: Lake Kawaguchi, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Sai, Lake Motosu and Lake Shoji. They, and nearby Lake Ashi, provide excellent views of the mountain. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.


The origin of the name Fuji is unclear. A text of the 10th century Tale of the Bamboo Cutter says that the name came from "immortal" (不死, fushi, fuji?) and also from the image of abundant (富, fu?) soldiers (士, shi, ji?) ascending the slopes of the mountain. An early folk etymology claims that Fuji came from 不二 (not + two), meaning without equal or nonpareil. Another claims that it came from 不尽 (not + exhaust), meaning neverending.

然而,聖山之前,為何要有如此突兀的 電 線 桿?
Why, then, do we need such an awkward pole before the Holy Mountain?

What a pretty bridge! The Bridge of Rainbow, in Tokyo!

東京電視台 + 雛菊花田 = 剛柔並存、陰陽調和!
Tokyo TV station plus little daisies in the field makes me
think of Ying and Yang in the Chinese philosophy.

My former superior Principal Shulin Lee, who led us to Japan in 2003 for the first time.
(南投縣高中職校 80 多位師生)赴日本教育旅行


The bright sun setting behind me made me almost unrecognizable;
however, I like this photo so much that I've used it for my blog(s)
