2010年9月3日 星期五

生活的樂趣 (My Happy Life)


Sannian qian, cong Toushang tuixiu de shihou, wo wei ziji guihuale suowei "BEST" (zui-meihao) de shenhuo moshi. BEST baohan sige yingwen zimu, hanyi ruxia:

[English paraphrase] Three years ago when I had just retired from my teaching job at Nantou Commercial School (NCS), I made up my mind to have a BEST lifestyle. The acronym BEST is composed of these English letters:

B = books (including The Bible)
E = exercise
S = sharing (esp. short stories)
T = traveling

Wo xiang, tuixiu zhihou jiu you hen duo geren keyi linghuo yunyong de shijian. Yao rang tuixiu shenghuo chongman quwei, chule dudu haoshu (B), xiexie xiaoshuo (S) shenme de, hai dei zhuyi shenti jiankang, duo yundong (E), shenzhi chang chumen luyou (T), dao taxiang-yidi zouzou kankan, xinshang tianran jingzhi ji renwen fengqing, yi da zengguang jianwen, tiaoji shenxin zhi gongxiao.

[English paraphrase] There is no doubt that one will have much more "free time" after retirement. To enrich one's retirement life, he should try his best to read good books (B), to take more exercise (E), to share something with others (S), and to spend time traveling here and there (T). In doing so, a retiree -- a person who has retired from full-time work -- will be able to make his life more enjoyable; that is, he will feel healthy and happy and wise, in his retirement!

Rujin, wo zai Sheng Yage zhengzheng sannian de "teshu shiming" yi gao yige duanluo. Wo zheici shi zhenzhengde tuixiu la. Na sannian qian suo ding de "BEST" jihua, da cong benyue qi, yinggai luoshi zhixing (really put into practice) cai shi. Yuan Zhu Yesu bangzhu wo, rang wo shenhuo you mubiao, you yiyi, bingqie neng you suo gongxian (huo huikui)!

[English paraphrase] Now my "special mission" at St. James' has come to an end. Since my retirement from NCS I have worked here for another three years and, from now on, I will not be working as before. It is high time that I put my BEST plan into practice. Oh, Lord, may you give me guidance and help that I need, so that I can really enjoy my retirement.

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