2010年9月29日 星期三

Something Special


I haven't added anything to my Life Notes for almost two weeks. In fact, in these past days and nights, I was fully occupied in a sense and so quite a number of things occurred to me which I think I should jot down for my reference (review) in the future:

First, Jean and I went to Xitou yesterday for the second time since we purchased the one-year admission ticket. (We failed to go hiking there last Tuesday because of the typhoon Fanapi.) We took a long walk yesterday, spending almost four hours walking and chatting in the woods . . . in a leisurely way. As Jean says, it is very "significant" for us to share ourselves with each other in the Nature (created by our Lord, highlighted by me) as often as possible. Currently, we agree to go hiking together on Tuesdays, to strengthen ourselves physically and spiritually.

Second, last Saturday (9/25) I went back to Nantou City to attend a wedding party. My former colleague Mr. Chen Taichang, whose second daughter had just been married, has been . . . . [Let me put this story aside for the time being, for it could be too long for me to tell in a limited space of the page.]

Third, the typhoon Fanapi came and attacked Taiwan on Sunday, September 19. According to the broadcast, it already found its way into Hualian at 8:40 a.m. No wonder the wind was so strong (even here in Taichung County) that it shook my car so violently when I was driving on the way to church. Jean sat beside me in the right front seat, saying that she could add some weight to our vehicle so that the strong wind would not turn it over. Well, she always gives me some help, though she's slender -- or, literally, "of slim build."

Fourth, Jean and I have been in great joy waiting for our first grandson. You know, our grandson will be born next month around 21st. His name has been decided -- My son, whose name was given by me, wanted to name his son himself. I said, "Yes, you deserve to do it, together with your wife! But, anyway, let me know in advance what you would like to call him, so that I can say his name in Taiwanese and also in Hakka, to see if it sounds like a decent name in these dialects! . . ." My son is smart, indeed. He has thought of a wonderful Chinese name (梁益丰) for my grandson. If you hear my son's explanation, you'll know why this is a wonderfully good name! As for Jean and I, we would prefer to call our grandson by his nickname, Xiao Mifeng (litter bee). Ah! What a cute baby we're all ready to see; what a nice boy we'll see face to face soon, as a new and youngest member of our family! The Lord's abundant blessings!

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