2010年9月21日 星期二

Educational Trip -- 國際教育旅行 (日本 02):共 4 组

Taken in Nov. 2003, in Tokyo Disneyland --- 2003年11月攝於東京迪士尼!
(They were celebrating the 20th anniversary of this great amusement park.)

遊覽 蘆 之 湖 . . . . . . What a beautiful lake, Lake Ashi!

遊覽 箱 根 神 社 . . . . . . The Hakone Shrine!

A Note: The Hakone Shrine (箱根神社) is a Shinto shrine in the town of Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture (神奈川縣). Japan. It is also known as the Hakone Gongen (箱根権現). It is located on the shores of Lake Ashi (蘆之湖). The main festival of the shrine is held annually on August 1.

攝於 箱根神社 . . . . . 合影留念!
This following photo was taken on 19, Nov. 2003. Some other members of our tour group were not included, as they were strolling too far away to explore this big and beautiful area.

These pictures remind me of our happy visit to The First Commercial High School, in Tokyo.
Can you imagine how the students at FCH welcomed us when we visited them?

成田山新勝寺 (Naritasan Shinsho-ji Temple)
We were lucky enough to see the monks' procession -- I was very impressed by the colorful apparel (clothing) that the monks were wearing. The red umbrella was an eye-catcher, too.


附註:新勝寺位於日本千葉縣 (Chiba Prefecture) 成田市 (Narita-shi),供奉本尊不動明王。自西元 940 年開寺以來,已成為日本最具代表性的寺院之一;以建造於通往本堂石梯上的「仁王門」及建於本堂右前方的「三重塔」為首,寺院內有為數眾多的建築物被指定為重要文化財;從這裡並可細細體會江戶中期到後期,建築物所展現的莊嚴氣氛。

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