2011年1月1日 星期六

佳偶天成、百年好合 --- 鎧任嫆雅的浪漫婚禮 (A Romantic Wedding)


時間:中華民國建國第 100 年元旦(上午 10 時 ~ )

地點:台中市大里區(新郎家)〔去年,縣市合併前,原稱台中縣大里市 . . . 〕

男女主角:新郎 Kellen 和新娘 Amber


親友評論:太美了!. . . . . 這場美好、浪漫、且令人深深感動的「庭園式婚禮」已然體現及詮釋了 天作之合百年好合永浴愛河 的深意 . . . . . 而這一對新人,蒙受上主及親友們的祝福,從今以後,就正式成為 Mr. and Mrs. 何 了。

附註:你可知道?按照漢語拼音系統 Mr. and Mrs. 何 的「何」字,應拼寫成 He (與上述「合、河」等字同音);也有人依從更早的譯音傳統,將「何」姓拼作 Ho ---- 如此一來,則像台語的「好」字發音一樣。無論如何, Mr. and Mrs. 何 於民國 100 年元旦結婚,真的是「百年」「」「」也!

A Personal Note (特別註記):

Besides the above notes in Chinese, I'd like to jot down something more personal. I made the acquaintance of Kellen (the bridegroom) about 17 (?) years ago when he was studying in the third/final year of senior high. [He studied at Taichung First Senior High School, the best senior high in Taichung City.] And he came to my house in Wufeng in the evening, twice per week, to "improve" (enhance) his English, as the college entrance examination was then approaching.

He was called "Tony" in English at that time, whose English name happened to be the same as my son's, Tony. [By the way, when growing a bit older my son preferred to be called "Antony" instead. And a couple of days ago he told me he had started to use "Antonio" on his name card, because he has a senior colleague at the same company who has always been referred to as Antony!] I remember I tutored Tony He by selecting and copying some China Post articles for him to read. He was smart. And he studied really hard. He usually finished reading four or more "good articles" from that English newspaper every week, as outside readings. Sometimes he spent even more than four hours practicing English with me in one evening! No wonder he finally got high marks in English in the college entrance examination.

Although I didn't see Tony (now, Kellen) very often after his graduation from senior high, I have always kept him in my prayer. Now that he has become a doctor specializing in addiction psychiatry, and also found a nice girl Amber as his "best half," I am so very happy about this young man. Well, I want to congratulate Kellen and Amber on their romantic wedding, and what's more, I would like to sincerely pray for them: May the Lord bless them abundantly, now and forever!

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1 則留言:

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Thank you for your posting of Kellen's wedding. My wife is Kent's youngest sister, Lanny. We are in the USA. I was not able to attend this wonderful wedding, but really appreciate the pictures and wonderful words about Kellen. We all love him so mush and are so proud of him.n I was able to share these great pictures with my mother also. Thank you so much.