2010年12月27日 星期一

蜂從哪裡來 (Where Is Little Bee From?)


Some of my friends have become "fans" of my grandson, Little Bee. They often get into my blog just because they want to see more photos of the baby. If I do not post any new photos of him regularly -- I mean, not often, they will even call me by phone and "complain" about my procrastination!
我的好友當中,有不少人已是小蜜蜂的粉絲 (fans)。他(她)們上我的部落格,經常只為了看看,有沒有小蜜蜂的新照片。如果我隔了很多天沒貼出孫子的近照,他(她)們甚至會來電「抗議」呢!

One day, one of the Bee fans said to me, "I have seen many photos of Little Bee in your blog. But most of them are you grandparents playing with your grandson. How about Little Bee's parents? Are they . . . are they too busy to . . . ?"
有一天,一位蜂迷對我說:「你的部落格有許多小蜜蜂的照片,很不錯,但是大部分是祖孫的合影。請問,小蜜蜂的父母親,他們 . . . 他們很忙嗎?」

Oh, my son and his wife are very good and responsible parents. They love (and take care of) Little Bee no less than my wife and I -- I should have let all the Bee fans know clearly where Little Bee comes from. If you didn't know that, it was all my fault!
喔!我兒子及媳婦絕對是認真負責的好父母。他們愛小蜜蜂,花時間照顧他,比當爺爺奶奶的我們「有過之而無不及」---- 我應該讓所有的蜂迷都認識他們才對。如果到現在你還不明瞭「蜂從哪裡來」,那真是我的疏失啦!

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