2012年9月17日 星期一

猫囒山 (Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail)


Quoted from: http://www.sunmoonlake.gov.tw/EN/03000505.aspx, with two or three words modified and a few Chinese names/titles added:

The Mt. Maolan Hiking Trail (猫囒山步道 / 貓囒山步道) begins at the entrance of the Tea Research and Extension Station (茶葉改良場) next to Mingtan Junior High School (明潭國中). The trail is 4.6 kilometers in length.

It leads you to the Sun Moon Lake Weather Station (日月潭氣象站) at the end. You will see Assam black tea plantations (阿薩姆紅茶園) along the way, and standing on the viewing platform (or observation deck) in front of the Tea Research and Extension Station, you can look out to the distant lake beneath. This is one of the best places to watch the sun rise at Sun Mon Lake. Leading from the Tea Research and Extension Station is a new branch trail to Bamboo Garden, making an alternative route for this hiking trail.
