2022年12月25日 星期日

"方舟市集" (The Ark Bazaar, 2022)


2022 花蓮幸福聖誕城
【  方  舟  市  集  】

市集時間:12/21(週三)~12/25(週日)15:00 ~ 21:00
市集地點:花蓮縣府前石雕公園(花蓮縣花蓮市府前路 192 號)

活動介紹:以聖經「諾亞方舟」故事為主題,打造18 米巨型方舟裝置的沉浸式體驗市集,結合異國料理、戲劇演出和藝術展覽,只要走進其中,就是五感的新享受。(取自網路資料

A Personal Note

On Christmas Day, we (the Liang family) celebrated the Eucharist at St. Luke's Church Hualien in the morning, and in the evening we took a walk at the "Ark Bazaar" (方舟市集) held in the Stone Sculpture Park (石雕公園) in front of the Hualien County Government.

As a Christian, I am familiar with the story of Noah's Ark. In the Bible, the ark was a large boat which Noah built in order to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood.

Well, it seems very hard for us humans to avoid natural disasters such as floods, landslides, earthquakes and fires; and it's also difficult for us to truly know how to get rid of man-made disasters, such as political persecution, economic spoofs, cultural (or personal) conflicts, and even serious wars between different countries. Where can we get the true Wisdom and Love so as to greatly improve the world -- I mean, the whole world on earth? Or can we just build a marvelous New Ark, much bigger and better than Noah's one, to save all who are kind and loving and therefore worthy to live on in this imperfect world until they accomplish what the Lord wants them to do? . . . 

O Lord, have mercy on us! -- Kyrie eleison!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
1)  新城天主堂     (2022)
2)  Green Ark (綠葉方舟)     (2011)

