2023年11月1日 星期三

諸聖日 (All Saints' Day) 在花蓮


All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, the Feast of All Saints, the Solemnity of All Saints, is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints of the Church, whether they are known or unknown. (You may refer to the English Wikipedia for more information about All Saint's Day.)

諸聖日,又稱諸聖節,是天主教聖公宗東正教都有的節日。在天主教會聖公會中,諸聖日是每年的 11 月 1 日。在正教會中,諸聖節是聖靈降臨節 (Pentecost) 之後的第一個星期日,因而標誌著復活節的結束。 (詳見《中文維基百科》 "諸聖節" 條目。)

Mookoo's Note

I'm thrilled to have been part of the special service at St. Luke's Church on the evening of Wednesday, November 1, in celebration of All Saints' Day. What added to my excitement was the presence of not just myself, but also my wife, son, his wife, and both my grandchildren, all actively participating in the celebratory Holy Eucharist. Thanks be to the Lord!

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