2023年11月2日 星期四

海碉堡 (Pillbox)


Yesterday, we visited a quaint little cafe named "Pillbox." From its balcony, we gazed upon the estuary of a nearby stream, and we were captivated by the picturesque beauty of the scenery.

If you turn to the last picture below, you'll see what I mean by "the picturesque beauty." ---- "海碉堡" 美景如畫,讓我印象深刻,乃做成下面最後一張 "油畫" 模擬作品 (See the last picture below!)。

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中英對譯 (Translation):

碉堡 = pillbox; blockhouse; fortifications; fort; stronghold...
堡壘 = fort; fortress; bastion; blockhouse; stronghold...

Pillbox: (1) A pillbox is a small tin or box in which you can keep pills. (2) A pillbox is a small building made of concrete that is used to defend a place. (3) A pillbox or a pillbox hat is a small round hat for a woman.

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相關文章 (See also):
1)  "Sea Sky Coffee" (海中天)     (2023)
3)  布洛灣 (Buluowan)     (2023)
