2015年5月26日 星期二

照片轉分享: Kelvin's Confirmation on Day of Pentecost


本頁照片為 Ms. Catherine Lee 所拍攝,是前天 5 月 24 日我們慶祝「聖靈降臨日」 (Day of Pentecost) 於台中聖雅各堂做禮拜的情形。台灣聖公會賴榮信主教在 Day of Pentecost 這天,為本堂英文部教友 Kelvin Paul 施行「堅振禮 」(Confirmation)。禮拜結束後,Kelvin 的雙親 (Harrison Paul & Nancy Paul) 邀請我們在教堂附近的「八喜膳房」共享午餐。

The following photos are taken from Ms. Catherine Lee's blog, which she'd like to share with all of us who are interested. To see more photos and, more importantly, to read the article written and posted by Catherine, you may simply click here: Celebrating Pentecost at St. James' English Service, Taichung ~ and Kelvin's Confirmation!
