2018年1月12日 星期五

The Original and New Plans


How to translate "人算不如天算" or "計畫趕不上變化" into English?

These two Chinese sentences mean almost the same, and it would be "no easy job" to find an equivalent saying in English.

A possible translation can be "Everything happens." -- or "Man proposes; God disposes." -- or, as someone has shared on the internet: "One never arranges enough to beat changes."

Oh, our original plans were that Jean's former student Jiayan Jiang (together with her daughter) was supposed to visit us at Wufeng yesterday (on Thursday) and that we would go with them to Sun Moon Lake for a relaxing trip today (on Friday). However, these plans had to be canceled.

My second grandson, a three-year-old boy, broke his collarbone on the evening of Wednesday while playing with his brother. So Jean and I came down to Qieding yesterday ... to see them and give them some help. Now, here in Qieding, we'll have to stay for a few days; at such a critical time, our new plan is to help our children by taking care of our grandchildren!

Note: Jean and I took a quick walk to the nearby seashore (see photos) while our grandchildren were taking a nap at noon, when our daughter-in-law was at home beside them.
