2018年8月1日 星期三

Summer Event No. 8: 收到 "阿祖" 親手做的禮物


James received a special gift from his great-grandmother, who is my mother, now 85 years old.

His great-grandma or my mom lives in Guoxing and has been going to a Lifelong Learning center run by SCDA (Shimen Community Development Association 石門社區發展協會) every day except weekends. She is an intelligent and diligent "senior student"; she has recently learned to create quite a few hand-made toys by using such materials as paper, bamboo, strings, sticky tape, glue, betel nuts, pine cones, and something like that.

Look, she has just finished making this interesting toy. It looks like a robot, but a manual robot. When you pull the string in it, its two arms will be tightened up and, as you can see, the swords in its hands will be lifted up spontaneously ... in a different direction every single time! -- See the photos, and you'll know how much my grandson loves this special gift!
