2022年11月4日 星期五

The Fiction Month


November is a month for fiction. What story are you going to tell in this month?

If you look up the weird word NaNoWriMo,
you'll see it's now the best time for creative writing -- especially for you to get creative and write a long novel, or just tell a few short but beautiful (or meaningful) stories.

Are you ready to activate your imagination?

Look! The trees on the hillside may be similar to what you've seen before. The water in the creek beneath your feet may remain as silent as ever. However, the clouds in the sky are constantly changing colors, and the voices in your heart are different from time to time.

There are lots of things in this world worthy of your attention, and many people deserve your prayers and blessings -- all of which, including real and unreal, can be subjects for thinking and writing. Get started, you who'd like to be a special writer!

= = =
相關文章 (See also):
2)  觀景心得 (Untitled)     (2019)
3)  聽說, 颱風要來囉!     (2022)
4)  Why Writing? (寫作緣由)     (2022)
