2010年11月19日 星期五

勇於當塵螨殺手 (Against Dust Mites)


[English Paraphrase] What on earth are dust mites? I've never seen any of them in my life.

[English Paraphrase] The creatures called "house dust mites" are said to be extremely ugly-looking, each with 8 legs, like a deformed spider. The most frightening point, however, is NOT their appearance; it is their "invisibility magic" that could really scare you to death, if you lean the fact. The fact is that they are a mighty invading army, who probably have come and occupied the most inner/important part of your territory, totally invisibly!

[English Paraphrase] What's more, these ugly mites will multiply their "might" a hundred or a thousand or even a million fold; they keep on reproducing themselves at an ultra-fast rate, from generation to generation! (What a big shame! I still cannot see any of them.)

註:下圖取自 維基百科,自由的百科全書。
Note: The following picture is from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

[English Paraphrase] Yesterday morning my wife reminded me that our grandson Little Bee will be brought home from the postnatal care center very soon. She said, "Little Bee and his mother (our daughter-in-law) have stayed there for a month, and his father went there every evening after work, so their apartment must be very much dusted now. We should do our best to clean up the apartment, right before Little Bee comes home!"

English Paraphrase] Well, to tell you the truth, I had hated housework, which I thought was too boring (and insignificant) for a Male Chauvinist like me to do. But this time the situation was entirely different, and so was my new perspective on housework. Seeing that a newborn baby could possibly be affected or harmed by numberless mites hiding in a dusted place, I found it necessary for me and my wife to destroy as many mites as possible, by vacuuming the whole "dwelling house" that our Little Bee is soon coming to. Oh, yes! I would love to be a mite-killer right away, fighting bravely against those invisible ugly creatures, and fighting willingly for my offspring's health and happiness!

[English Paraphrase]  As it really happened, my wife and I spent three hours yesterday afternoon sweeping and vacuuming our son's apartment.

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1 則留言:

Terence 提到...

建議買一瓶''來舒'' ,殺菌、殺塵螨非常好用。
