2010年11月4日 星期四

Little Bee Interacting With Grandparents


Yesterday Jean and I took Little Bee back to the hospital for an examination on the heart, which had been heard a slight noise by the pediatrician. After a time-consuming process of test and diagnosis performed by the heart doctor (cardiologist), the report was "heartening" news -- eventually relieving us of our "excessive and undue" worries! Thanks be to God.

Then, this morning we took Little Bee, our little prince, back to the hospital again, for it was time for him to get BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) vaccine. We were pleased to have one more opportunity of hugging him, watching him, and speaking (or singing) to him. As you can see, our 18-day-old grandson is able to interact with us a lot more than we had expected.

Oh, Lord Jesus, may you bless our handsome Little Bee every day and night, whether he is awake or asleep!

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