2011年10月23日 星期日

「人形蟲」 Crawling and Climbing!


Crawling and climbing! My little grandson keeps crawling around, and climbing up and down!


There's a Chinese proverb: "The water goes downward; the human, upward!" How true it is! My grandson Little Bee, who was just given a new and sensible nickname "Human-form Insect," very much enjoys crawling and climbing -- not only on the level and smooth floor but also up to a higher place or position! He's now especially interested in climbing up a sofa, and then up the arms of the sofa. In the living room of our apartment, one of the sofas (the longest piece of the set) is pushed against a wall with a window from where Little Bee can see the outside world if he stands on the long arm (or low back) of the sofa. He loves to stand high there and watch outside, with his little hands holding the window frame or the drapes. Obviously this is something risky for a one-year-old boy to do, but as I can see, he doesn't care about the possible danger at all. He would like to climb up something again and again. And he would climb as high up as he can. (No wonder my son called my grandson ren-xing-chong, Insect in the Human Form.)

「水往低處流;人往高處爬!」一點也不錯,我家的寶貝(小蜜蜂)---最近多了個新封號「人形蟲」---不但在平面地板上爬,見到能爬得上去的,例如沙發椅背、樓梯等等,他不顧危不危險總要試試身手「爬」上去。一次不夠,再爬一次;興緻來了,爬第三次,第四次,第五 、第六 . . . . . 啊!真有恆心毅力,不停地爬。難怪我那幽默的兒子給他添了這麼一個有趣的外號 ---「人形蟲」!

This afternoon we took Little Bee to the Zhans -- By the way, my close friend Mr. Zhan is my former classmate; and his wife Mrs. Zhan, my wife's former classmate, is now one of our best friends! Both of them were very pleased to see our "little prince" (also "insect in the human form") crawl on their smooth wooden floor, and then climb upward along the beautiful wooden staircase that leads to the second floor! . . . Well, Human-form Insect climbing the stairs! That was really a funny performance, which would probably make you laugh too!

瞧!當我們帶著小蜜蜂來到好友老詹的家,老詹和他的另一半看見我們家「小王子」(目前被戲稱「人形蟲」的)在他們的客廳裡爬來爬去時,他倆都笑了。起初這小不點兒只在客廳光滑的木地板上爬著,後來竟然爬向通往二樓的樓梯,沿著漂亮大方的木板梯階,一階一階地望上爬。 . . . . 「人形蟲爬梯記」,一場逗趣的戲碼!一場臨時起意、非常賣力的演出!
